Calculator powered by gestures, operates three times faster

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It seems that we are entering an era in which technology is based on gestures to operate gadgets, computers and electronic devices in general. Typically, these interfaces based on gestures are used to handle yourself in a game or other. But in this case, I find the 'Rechner Calculator', a calculator that performs various operations as gestures you make on the screen. The result (as state) is that multiplying by three speed at which perform mathematical operations.

gesture calculator

On the screen you find a virtual keyboard with numbers, you can keep pressing on the keys for the digits displayed on the calculator. So far so normal, however when you perform an operation just have to make a gesture on the screen. For example, to add or subtract, drag your finger left or right and when you get the result equivalent to the key '=' is to drag two fingers across the screen from top to bottom. Curiously enough, as seen in the video below and an idea that possibly finish watching exported to other applications typical of a lifetime.

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